• +9821 64545667, +9821 64542501
  • aismartvehicle@aut.ac.ir
  • Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, lran

Call For Papers

We sincerely invite submissions (in English or Persian) on a wide range of hot topics, spanning theoretical, system developments and practical experiences.

All of the accepted papers (in English) will be published as a volume of Springer’s Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) Book Series. The accepted Persian papers will be also published on CIVILICA.  The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  1. Artificial intelligence methods
  2. Machine learning applications
  3. Image processing
  4. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
  5. Smart roads
  6. Driver assistant systems
  7. Electric & hybrid electric vehicles
  8. Connected vehicles
  9. Autonomous vehicles
  10. Safety systems for vehicles, cyclists, motorcyclists, and pedestrians
  11. Safety and comfort in autonomous vehicles
  12. Smart applications for driver identification, driver evaluation and accidents analysis
  13. Public transportation, freight transportation, Hazmat transportation
  14. Legal and insurance issues of smart cars
  15. Vehicle manufacturing, designing, and marketing

Guide for Authors


Article submission:

All researchers are requested to send a PDF file of their article via EasyChair website (Link) in accordance with the manuscript guidelines.

The ICAISV-2023 accepts articles written in English. However, the authors can submit a Persian paper associate with a single page including title, authors’ details and abstract. For English Papers, please follow one of the following templates:

  • LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates, download (zip, 309kb)
    Microsoft Word Proceedings Templates, download (zip, 559kb)
    Microsoft Word 2003 Proceedings Templates, download (zip, 229kb)

They also can be downloaded from Springer Link.

For Persian Papers, please follow  (here) for LaTeX Template. Also the Persian papers can be written by other editors such as WORD, where they meet the same guidelines.

The submitted articles are not accepted if they have been formerly published or under consideration for publication anywhere else. Furthermore the authors of the article are held responsible for the validity of the contents of the article.


The papers in English should meet:

  1. Authors should consult Springer’s Instructions for Authors of Proceedings and use either the LaTeX or the Word templates provided on the authors’ page for the preparation of their papers. The Instructions for Authors can be downloaded here. Please read the guidelines carefully and refer to the checklist at the end. Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates are available in Overleaf and you may be interested to use this this feature, too. The most common types of papers accepted for publication are full papers (12–15 pages) and short papers (6-11 pages).

  2. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in the proceedings. Another feature we now offer is the inclusion of embedded videos in proceedings papers.
  3. In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a License-to-Publish form. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. It is also important that you use the attached licence-to-publish agreement. None of the other agreements are applicable. A partially completed agreement is made available here to be completed and signed by the corresponding author of each paper, on behalf of all of the authors of that paper. The corresponding author, who must match the corresponding author marked on the paper, must have the full right, power, and authority to sign the agreement on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper, and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on their behalf. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made.
  4. If any of the authors contributing to ICAISV 2023 is interested in Open Access or Open Choice, please refer to Springer webpage for prices and additional information. We would need the invoicing address and the CC-BY licence-to-publish agreement at the same time as the files for the publication.
  5. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made.
  6. Roughly one month after publication, all authors who have included their email addresses in the headers of their papers will receive an email containing a coded personal access link, which will enable them to download the PDF of their paper directly from SpringerLink.
  7. All of the papers will be checked by the iThenticate tool to get an immediate feedback regarding the manuscript’s similarity to other published research content. Thus, the papers will be checked that neither plagiarism nor self-plagiarism has taken place.
  8. The participants has a 4-week free access to their papers via the conference website.
  9. Please note that free printed copies are only available if the files are sent to us no later than 6 months after the conference (no later than July 25, 2023). Otherwise, we would only offer temporary free online access. If needed, printed copies could then be purchased at a special conference discount price.
  10. Information regarding free copies and the prices of additional copies can be found in the attached Conf Terms pdf (see here).
  11. As to the timeline, we need some eight weeks upon receipt of your complete set of electronic files to publish the proceedings. Given that ICAISV 2023 is going to be published as a post-proceedings, it is clearly up to you, the reviewers and the contributing authors to set the pace towards the publication. Of course, thorough reviewing and revision of the papers after the conference may take some time. Still, there shouldn’t be too much of a delay between the conference date and the release of the post-proceedings.
  12. Please note that abstracts of keynote talks that are not accompanied by a full paper will be included in the front matter and not in the main part of the proceedings.
  13. Please refer to Sect. 4.1 of the guidelines for more details regarding paper lengths and the inclusion of short papers.


The papers in Persian should meet:


  • PDF file of Persian papers should be submitted via EasyChair website (Link) in accordance with the manuscript guidelines. The ICAISV-2023 accepts articles written in Persian associate with a single page including title, authors’ details and abstract. Please see (here) for Persian Paper Template. Also the papers can be written by other editors such as WORD, where they meet the same guidelines.
  • In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Copyright form. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. It is also important that you use this Copyright Form. None of the other agreements are applicable.

Peer review of an article:

All of the papers will be reviewed by at least two reviewers and a scientific committee member. Please note that the type of review is “Single Blind Peer Review” and reviewers’ comments are considered highly confidential and the authors will view reviewers comments, questions and requests under the anonymous titles of “reviewer1” and “reviewer2”


Main parts of the manuscript:

Each article should consist of the following main parts:

  • – Title page
  • – Introduction
  • – Main body
  • – Conclusion
  • – References

The details of each part are provided in the following subsections. It is worth mentioning that in addition to above necessary parts, the paper may contain one or more appendices. Providing the appendix is optional and if there is any, it should be placed at the end of the paper, after the section of references.


Title page:

The title page should include four main parts: 1-the title of the article, 2-the name and academic information of the authors, 3-the abstract, and 4-the keywords. In what follows, the aforementioned elements are described in more details. All of the papers (in English or Persian) should contain Title page.


Title of the article:

The title of the article should include a maximum of 20 words and contain all the characteristics of the conducted research. In the title, usage of abbreviations should be avoided.


Name and academic information of the authors:

The authors’ names should be written in one line after the title of the article separated by commas. In addition, the information about the authors including their faculty, university, city, country, should be written for each author. Additionally, the authors should mark the corresponding author using an asterisk (*) on the top of his/her name in the list. It is advised to nominate the most acclaimed author as the corresponding author and for articles that are the result of academic research, selecting a faculty member as the corresponding author is of great importance.


Abstract and keywords:

The abstract should clearly state the subject and the results of the research conducted in a 150 to 250 -words paragraph. In other words, the significance of the subject, the necessity of carrying out this research and a summary of the method and significant results of the research should be stated in the abstract. Including details, tables, illustrations, mathematical equations and formulas should be avoided. The number of keywords at the end of the abstract should be five words or phrases, separated by commas. The abstract should not include undefined abbreviations. In addition, referencing in the abstract should be avoided.


Introduction of the article:

In this section, primarily the general aspects of the subject should be stated and afterwards, a summary of the history of the subject and the studies carried out accompanied by their features should be explained (in a way which clarifies the importance of it for the reader.) Then, the innovation and contribution of the research should be explained in one or two paragraphs.


Main body:

Each article should include at least one section placed after “Introduction” and before “Conclusion”. Herein, we refer to these sections as “main body”. The main body may contain the description of the problem proposed, the necessary notions and definitions, the solution methods, the theoretical or experimental results. The title and arrangement of those sections constructing the main body of the article can be determined with respect to the authors’ preferences.



Each paper should be ended with a brief conclusion and some future works. The authors can add an acknowledgement part after their conclusion.



The references may include books, articles from scientific journals, patented inventions, conference articles, theses, technical reports, educational workshops, valid websites and other reliable sources. Referring to unpublished reports, rejected articles and other invalid sources should be avoided.
The list of references should be included at the end of the article in English in order of appearance in the text. Therefore, if Persian sources have been used, their information should be translated into English and the term (in Persian) should be written at the end.
All the references should be referred to in the main text of the article only by using their number in the reference list in brackets (e.g. [1]) and it is not needed to mention the word “reference” before it (e.g. reference [1]) unless a sentence starts with these words ( e.g. in reference [1] ….). In order to refer to two references or several references with nonconsecutive numbers, authors should use commas. For referring to several references with consecutive numbers, they should use a dash (e.g. [1, 2], [12-15], [2, 9, 6] or [1, 3-4]).


The figures:

The schemata, charts, and images used should all be titled “illustration” and be centered in the text. The figures used in the article should be of acceptable quality. The label of each axis in the charts should be mentioned with the measurement unit written in parentheses after it separated by a comma.


The tables:

The contents of the tables should be written in English in the center and if captions are used in the tables, they should be located under the corresponding table. The tables should not be presented in the image format.


Mathematical equations:

The explanation of all the variables, components and new symbols used in the equations (if not explained earlier in the text) should be written immediately after the equation without any gaps.


Measuring units:

The accepted measuring unit is the SI system and if necessary the equivalent in another measuring system may be mentioned in parentheses.


Plagiarism check:

This conference chairs use Plagiarism Detection Software to avoid plagiarism in published papers.